Wednesday, January 15, 2014

"If you're going to be weird, be confident about it"

Hello guys! If you are reading this, you are wasting your time. Haha. Joke!

By the way, I am Jimmylou Joy Fernandez Pendon. Just turned 18 last September 25 :) I am taking the Bachelor of Arts major in English Language. A happy and energetic person!

This is my first time to create a blog and I really have no idea how to begin this. Can you give me some idea? Joke! XD Aheem. Tinggg! Okay. So, this is it. How do I spend my WEEKEND?    

Everybody LOOOOVEEEESSS weekends. I never heard such a person who hates it. Of course, everybody wants to take a break after having a stressful weekdays so do I. (really?) During weekends, I always wake up at 8 am. Yeah. It's too early and I know that, okay? Haha

 Look at that bare face! LOL Uhmm, I do like taking pictures after waking up. I usually post it on Instagram. Please don't ask why. XD 
                      ♪ I'm a Selfie girl in Selfie world  ♪  (okay. You can laugh now HAHAHA)

I spend my time playing Candy Crush which is my one and only favorite game. I think it takes 2 hours for me to play it just waiting for lives T.T . Hehe 
Listening to tagalog songs sang by Hale, Silent Sanctuary, Soapdish, Spongecola and etc while reminiscing memories is very relaxing  O(∩_∩)O 

Do you like my songs? CHEEEEEERS!     <(@ ̄︶ ̄@)>

I always spend my time on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube. I love reading Facts on random Facebook pages. Yes, I am a Facebook Addict and I am proud of it.! Than doing illegal things, drugs, sex and budots-budots (peace) haha. Oh! I almost forgot, I am also doing my laundry during Saturday and doing any household chores :D

During Sunday, I always do what I did the last day. (what?XD) But in the afternoon, I go to church with my younger sister but sometimes I go alone because she's so lazy!! Gosh. After that, I enjoy myself by traipsing in the mall. Sometimes, I feel that being alone wandering to places is like having a good time to think and very satisfying!

I end my day by praying to God and thanking him for the good day. <3 

Thank you for reading my blog :)  Though you gained nothing from it. Hahaha Joke!